Note: Once you are enrolled to therapy courses you can call our support number to take an appointment with Dr Lathashekhar for free to discuss your health issues.
Most menstrual diseases are caused by nutritional deficiency which leads to deficiency and improper metabolism of female sex hormones.
- Dysmenorrhea ( Painful Menstruation)
- Amenorrhea( Absence of menstruation)
- Menorrhea (Excessive bleeding during monthly menstrual period )
- Premenstrual Tension
- Adolescence
- Faulty development of reproductive organs
- Imbalance of hormones of endocrine glands
- Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
- Weak muscles of reproductive organs
- Weak constitution
- Stress and Life style
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- High concentration of prolactin in the blood
- Drug induced side effects
- Poly cystic ovarian syndrome
- Over grown uterine Fibroids or polyps and tumors
- Advanced liver disease
- Smoking
- Depression, etc
- Painful menstruation (Dysmenorrhea)
- Stoppage of menstruation (Amenorrhea)
- Excessive menstruation (Menorrhagia)
- Irregular menstruation (Metrorrhagia)
- Prolonged menstruation
- Bleeding during ovulation
- Oligomenorrhea or light or infrequent menstrual periods
- Restriction of movement due to excessive stomach or abdominal pain
- Extraordinary inconvenience
- Anemia if there is a heavy flow
- Weight gain if there is no flow
- Reduced immunity
- Headache
- Pain in the breasts
- Irritability
Course Features
- Lectures 2
- Quiz 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes