Note: Once you are enrolled to therapy courses you can call our support number to take an appointment with Dr Lathashekhar for free to discuss your health issues.
Our day to day life is fraught with activities, responsibilities, emotional interactions, undue reactions, cut throat competitions, requirements which push us to our limits etc. The stress is the impact of life experiences on our emotional & physical well-being. Brought on by such phenomena are either positive or negative.
Stressors take away normal blood supply from the immune system making it weaker and weaker as the days progress. So it becomes imperative that we find a solution to handle stress properly lest our system fails suddenly without giving any indications!
- Financial problems
- Work tension
- Family issues
- Strained relationships
- Chronic illness
- Personal concerns
- Death of loved one
- Stress affects physically through faster heart rate
- Lack of concentration and focus
- High blood pressure, head ache, difficulty in sleeping
- Increased hormone levels
- Muscle tension
- Desire to eat more or less
- Gastro intestinal disturbances
- Nervousness
- Anxiety, unexplainable depression
- Loss of enthusiasm or energy and mood changes
You must also understand that some amount of stress is required without which you cannot lead a normal life at all. While accepting the fact, you must move on and learn to handle stress properly by Yogic methods prescribed in this course which are meant to tackle the stress problems.
Meditation can regulate the flow of blood to the immune system by momentarily reducing the pace of the metabolism. Hence the immune system is nourished and a host of diseases troubling the mankind today can be effectively avoided or even completely cured through a simple practice of meditation regularly. Be very regular in your practice of the meditation mentioned in this course to enjoy the early results. Meditation is a regular need of your body. To keep the cells active, ojus filled and healthy, you need to recharge your body and cells with life energies each day. Meditation/Dhyana is probably the only tool to enhance your life energies beyond the physical effects of them. To stabilize your emotions, mental capabilities, spiritual upliftment you have a very great tool in Meditation. Never give up on meditation and never loose the benefits that such an extraordinary tool like meditation can offer.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quizzes 3
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes